
Gain a deeper understanding of the main branches of theology and develop a solid Lutheran foundation with Concordia's 神学研究文学士. Graduate prepared to enter a wide range of career fields and follow God's calling no matter where it takes you.

每学分成本 $475

Seeking to serve the Lord through a career in church work?


Graduate prepared to follow God's calling and enter the seminary


Develop a solid foundation in 学说 with an in-depth study of the four main areas of theology: biblical studies, 学说, 教会历史, 以及实际应用. Taught by our expert faculty within the Lutheran church, you will receive your Theological Studies degree from a robustly Lutheran standpoint. Take a deep dive into both the Old and New Testaments and the lessons God instills in us by his Word. 

Concordia's Bachelor's in Theological Studies 是 created with the student's interests in mind. 有八周的在线课程, students are able to experience both collaborative and self-paced formats  throughout the program. This flexibility allows students to experience both modalities and accommodate a busy lifestyle.

Our program offers real-life application with the opportunities to talk one-on-one with faculty about circumstances happening in your life and what God might be trying to show you through it all. Our faculty will help you apply the Gospel and God's 宽恕 to your life that will help you with your walk with him. 学生 will have the chance to receive practical training as they apply what they are learning in service to others.




Through the Word of Jesus Christ, God reveals himself to us and the directions he has for our lives.  Our faculty will delve into the promises that God has given us about hope, 宽恕, 和永生. You will learn how to use those promises given by him to lead Godly lives and spread the word of his love to those around you.


Our Theological Studies degree will prepare you to enter a range of opportunities after graduation. 这是否意味着去教堂工作, 教育后代, 或者想继续上神学院, 我们为你准备了一条路.


By the end of your time in our Theological Studies program, you will be prepared to apply for seminary studies if you believe you are being called by God to enter the ministry. 


If you feel called to enter into church work after graduation, here are just some of the options you could take.


If you believe your calling is to teach future generations, we have many paths here at Concordia to accomplish that goal. The first thing you will need to begin this journey is your teaching license. If that is something you do not have, we have a 节目种类繁多 来帮助你迈出下一步.

