English: the degree that opens doors

艾玛·沃特森, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格, 米特·罗姆尼, 和斯汀有共同之处? All of them were English majors. Still nervous about the commitment? 嘿,没关系! You want to make a responsible decision. The good news is you can make a responsible choice and pursue your love of English.

学分 126

All courses offered face-to-face on 安阿伯's campus.


The average undergraduate student award is $16,603.


Study language, literature, and expression in Concordia’s 英语文学学士学位 degree program.

Concordia’s English degree program allows you to choose from two offerings: a liberal arts degree or a complementary major for those seeking a degree in secondary education. Both options allow you to explore the language, literature, and expression of the Western canon. 

In order to demonstrate your understanding of texts and ideas, you will be expected to write analytically and creatively. 教授s will motivate you to think critically about texts, consider them within a Christian context, and apply its lessons to your day to day life.


English degree students will learn and engage in critical thinking, 阅读理解, 定性分析, 解释, and communication skills (both written and verbal), and participate in class discussions. You will find a community founded on curiosity, exploration, empathy, and intellectual rigor. 课程侧重于理解, 发展中, 表达, and analyzing a wide range of ideas (both others’ and your own).

  • 安阿伯

